Hankyung on 080629 “Behind the Story” 背后的故事 (Eng Subbed)

Apparently I had this sudden urge to spazz over Geng and I decided to have this subbing marathon. Lol, my fastest subbing project yet, but it was pretty long as well. Over 850 lines?? I think I typed till my fingers were sore, lol. ^^

It was so sad, so heartbreaking to see how much Geng went through just right after debut as well as his initial days in Korea… Especially the incident where he had to wear a mask when performing because his permit didn’t allow him to be on all 3 Korean television stations. And… it’s just that you can see his passion for Suju as a whole, and that he didn’t want to disappoint his members and that’s why he sacrificed his pride and hid himself behind that mask (and the !@*&!*&@*!&@ thing was that, it was someone else’s mask!?) just so that he could perform with them.



And all the times he missed his mother, awwww, I think I bawled a fountain during that part.
I don’t know what else to say, Geng, you’ll always be my hero. ♥ I really admire him for his passion, his determination, his bravery… being alone in a new country and having to learn a new language from scratch, just to realize his dreams… WOWOWOW. ^-^* It’s definitely not an easy feat…

Han Geng hwaiting~

Part 1

Next week, it’s SJ-M’s turn (if I’m not wrong)…

*edit* There was a Hanchul part which got edited off (T___T Why!!!), I found a fan account on it and I’ll be back tomorrow with the translations ^^